The company is dedicated to the successful execution of its projects, ensuring it meets all client requirements, needs, technical specifications, and environmental concerns.

Design & Engineering
Our company provides the following PV station design and engineering services:
- Preparation of financial and technical studies for PV installations
- Comprehensive location-specific electromechanical engineering design
- Calculation of cable attenuation to optimize design
- Compilation of a PPC file for submission of grid connection requests
Our Company undertakes the construction of turnkey PV stations and, in particular:
- Building works/earthworks
- Excavation of all kinds
- Shuttering and reinforced concrete injection
- Installation of cement and metal channels/shafts
- Construction of PV station foundations using ecological pile driving technology (concrete-free)
- Construction of NATO-type fencing
- Electrical works
- Installation and connection of PV panels
- Running and termination of cables
- Installation and connection of inverters
- Installation and parameterization of transformers and decoupling stations
- Installation and connection of panelboards and other electrical equipment
- Installation of CCTV systems
- Checks, testing and delivery of PV systems in full operation (megging tests, I-V curve measurement)
- PPC grid connection works
- Periodic system maintenance to maximize output
STR POWER has a dedicated maintenance department providing services as follows:
- By agreements for comprehensive 24/7 coverage with production warranties (for projects it has carried out itself)
- For specific maintenance work, following client requests
The Company owns specialized equipment such that it can provide comprehensive solutions to project maintenance needs, and also has the necessary specialized technical staff. It undertakes PV station maintenance contracts, providing quality services to the highest standards, including:
- Panel washing with appropriate machinery
- Vegetation control through environmentally-friendly methods
- Inverter inspection
- Inspections of other electrical equipment (decoupling stations, transformers, combiner boxes, etc.)
- Inspection and measurement of the grounding connectors
- Inspection of electrical connections
- Indicative measurement of intensity and voltage curves

One of the most significant projects completed by STR POWER in 2023 was the Karavasta Photovoltaic Park, with a capacity of 140MWp, in Albania. This project marked our first venture into the neighboring country, as our company established the local entity STR Power AL in April 2022. The Karavasta 140MWp project stands as the largest photovoltaic park in the Western Balkans and will play a central role in environmental preservation.

March 2019
89,7MWp solar energy project named “Dracena” in the municipality Dracena, São Paulo. The project was constructed and commissioned until September 2019.

February 2019
6MWp solar energy project named “WTS” in the municipality of Ceilândia, DF. The project was constructed and commissioned until July 2019

June 2018
82MWp solar energy project named “Guimarania” in the municipality of Guimarania, Minas Gerais. The project was constructed and commissioned until April 2019.

March 2018
25MWp solar energy project named “BJL 4” in the Bom Jesus de Lapa, Bahia. The project was constructed and commissioned until November 2018.

December 2017
115MWp solar energy project named “Pirapora II” in the municipality of Pirapora, Minas Gerais. The project was constructed and commissioned until August 2018.

August 2017
92,6MWp solar energy project named “Pirapora III” in the municipality of Pirapora, Minas Gerais. The project was constructed and commissioned until March 2018.

March 2017
25MWp solar energy project named “BJL 11” in the Bom Jesus de Lapa, Bahia. The project was constructed and commissioned until August 2017.

March 2023
227.5 MWp solar energy project named “Tocopilla”, located in the borough of Maria Elena, Region de Antofagasta

October 2022
109.2 MWp solar energy project named “Willka”, located in Arica Region
June 2022
2.99 MWp solar energy project named “Pequen”, located in the borough of Teno, Maule Region.
June 2022
2.99 MWp solar energy project named “COA”, located in the borough of Coltauco, Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins Region.

May 2022
160 MWP solar energy project named “Meseta”, located at Los Andes, Valparaiso
May 2022
6.27 MWp solar energy project named “Batres”, located in the Municipality of Molina, Maule Region.
February 2022
2.97 MWp solar energy project named “BLB”, located in the borough of Bulnes, Nubles Region.

118.00MWp solar energy project named “Pampa Tigre”, located in the borough of Antofagasta

60.00 MWp total capacity of solar energy projects named “Anakena”, “Sunhunter”, “Granate”, “Pastran”, “Don Henrique” and “Huaqelon”, located in the borough of

3.00 MWp solar energy project named “Pitotoy” and 3.00 MWp solar energy project named “Quelteque”, both located in the borough of
September 2020
2.984MWp solar energy project named “Orion” and 2.984MWp solar energy project named “Pegasus”, both located in the borough of Chillán, XVI Region of Ñuble.

June 2020
10.274MWp solar energy project named “Chillan I” and10.16MWp solar energy project named “Chillan II”, both located in Predio Rústico “Fundo de Maitén”,Comuna,Chillan Viejo, Provincia de Diguillin, Region Ñuble.
June 2020
7.507MWp solar energy project named “Casa Bermeja”, located in Curacaví Village, Provincia de Curacavi, Region Metropolitana.

October 2019
6.63MWp solar energy project named “El Jahuel”, at V Region De Valparaiso, Cachapoal province, San Felipe. The project was constructed and commissioned until June 2020.
August 2019
3.0MWp solar energy project named “Pitotoy” and 3.0MWp solar energy project named “Queltehue”, in Rengo, Cachapoal Province, VI Region of O’Higgins. The project was constructed and commissioned until May 2020.

May 2019
170.65MWp solar energy project named “Atacama (Pica)”, at Km 40,140 de la Ruta A-665, Camino de Matilla, Pica, Tamarugal, Tarapaca, Chile. The project was constructed and commissioned until October 2020.

April 2019
3.0MWp solar energy project named “Eclipse”, in the San Pedro commune, Melipilla Province, Metropolitan Region. The project was constructed and commissioned until January 2020.
March 2019
3.0MWp solar energy project named “La Manga”, in the San Pedro Commune, in Melipilla Province, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile. The project was constructed and commissioned until January 2020.

January 2019
3.0MWp solar energy project named “RLA”, at in the San Pedro Commune, Melipilla Province, Santiago Metropolitan Region. The project was constructed and commissioned until October 2019.
October 2018
10.4MWp solar energy project named “La Talca (El Paular)”, located Provincia de Talca, Region Maule. The project was constructed and commissioned until October 2019.

April 2018
8.3MWp solar energy project named “El Laurel”, located at Sector “Lo Chacon”, Comuna de El Monte, Provincia de Talagante, Region Metropolitana. The project was constructed and commissioned until December 2018.

October 2017
9.5MWp solar energy project named “Acacia” in San Vicente – V region. The project was constructed and commissioned until May 2018.
June 2017
3.5MWp solar energy project named “El Sauce” in San Pedro Commune. The project was constructed and commissioned until March 2018.

March 2017
10.2MWp solar energy project named “El Roble” in San Pedro Commune. The project was constructed and commissioned until August 2017.

October 2015
146MWp solar energy project named “Bolero” in the municipality of Sierra Gorda, Antofagasta. The project was constructed and commissioned until December 2017.

June 2014
40MWp solar energy project named “Chanares” in Diego de Almagro, III Region. The project was constructed and commissioned until February 2015.

May 2021
Electrical works for the construction and commissioning of a 3,46 MWp for solar plants named “GAEA” project in Cyprus.

June 2020
Electrical works for the construction and commissioning of a 17,82MWp portfolio of photovoltaic power generation plants in Cyprus.

9,2 MWp solar energy projects named “Ajoune”, “Aleg”, “Boulenour”, “Boutilimit” and “El Chami” located in Mauritania

December 2015
42 MWp solar energy project named “Sol Real Cluster” in Cocle and Chiriqui areas. The project was constructed and commissioned until August 2016.

August 2015
32,8MWp solar energy project named “Paris, Los Angeles, Cocle (Miraflores)”. The project was constructed and commissioned until December 2015.

October 2014
12,285 MWp solar energy project named “Chiriqui Solar Project” in San Lorenzo, Chiriqui Province. The project was constructed and commissioned until April 2015.

August 2014
44MWp solar energy project named “Chiriqui” in the Chiriqui, Republic of Panama.

September 2013
2.4MWp solar energy project named “Sarigua”. The project was constructed and commissioned until December 2013.

June 2016
2,75 MWp solar energy project named “Andres” and “Itabo”, located in the borough of Andres and Itabo, Santo Domingo

In 2016, a monumental achievement in sustainable energy unfolded as we completed the installation of Europe’s largest solar PV system on a vast body of water. Covering an extensive surface area of 57,000 square meters, this installation boasts 23,046 solar panels atop the serene Queen Elizabeth II reservoir in Surrey, nestled near the heart of London. This aquatic solar farm ranks among the top three largest installations globally.

Between 2015 and 2017, STR was deeply involved in the United Kingdom and North Ireland, embarking on the construction of photovoltaic parks with a total capacity of nearly 200 MWp, ensuring a significant presence in the region’s renewable energy landscape.
Some of these projects are Barn Farm, Breck, Charity, Hillside, Safeguard, Crookestone, Fields Farm, Belfast, Gelli Gron, Millar, Hallfarm, Grange Farm and Christurch solar energy parks.